Mark Kolakoski

Mark Kolakoski serves as Director of Major Gifts for Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America. In this role, his primary objective is to share the mission and goals of SBA Pro-Life America with pro-life Americans to provide them with opportunities to...

Petrina Williams

Petrina Williams serves as Director of Planned Giving and Senior Advisor to the President for Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America. Prior to joining the Development Team in SBA Pro-Life America’s Washington, D.C. headquarters, she helped manage SBA Pro-Life America’s political...

Jim Ducey

Jim Ducey serves as Advisor to the President for Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America. In this role, he shares the mission and goals of SBA Pro-Life America with pro-life Americans to provide them with the opportunity to save lives and...

Raven Miller

Raven Miller serves as an Advisor to the President at Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America. Raven has a background in marketing, communications, and public relations. She serves as the Chairman of the Eastern Shore Republican women’s young Republicans chapter, and...

Kristie McCrary

Kristie serves in the capacity of Community Relations at the Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America. Prior to her work with SBA Pro-Life America, her experience includes corporate ownership, political consultancy, religious broadcasting as special assistant to Dr. Pat Robertson, Chairman...

Denise Kleemeyer

Denise Kleemeyer serves as an Advisor to the President at Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America. Denise has a background in healthcare philanthropy, nonprofit executive management, and sales. She includes volunteering for hospice, economic development boards, the Salvation Army and the...

Michael Leaser

Michael Leaser is a senior advisor to the president for SBA Pro-Life America. He most recently served as director of external relations for The Family Foundation of Virginia. Over the last 20 years, Michael has also worked for the American...